

按照自己的节奏在网上获得学位: 随时随地.

We have a long history providing online learning experiences that are just as career-focused 和 personalized as our campus-based courses. You can stay connected with experienced instructors trained in best practices in online course management 和 enjoy access to extensive virtual student services.

You’ll find support every step of the way as you work towards earning a degree or diploma online with Herzing大学.









  • 成功之路

    软件下载的许多在线课程都提供继续学习的途径, 让你从一个角度移动, 比如副学士学位, 获得学士学位, 攻读硕士学位.

  • 灵活方便

    在舒适的家中获得学位. 没有规定你必须上网的时间. 你可以在方便的时候登录到你的虚拟教室.

  • 个性化的关注

    在赫兹,上网并不意味着孤独.You’ll receive the same personalized attention 和 career-focused education that we offer in our traditional classroom.

  • 网上和/或校内

    两全其美. Some of our degree programs are offered exclusively online 和 some programs are offered as a combination of both campus 和 online classes.


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常见 问题

全国妇女保健执业护士协会 实践和教育指南 outline a large list of WHNP competencies across several important categories:

  • 以客户为中心的护理
  • 初级护理
  • Women’s gynecologic, sexual, reproductive, menopause-transition, 和 post-menopause healthcare
  • 男性性和生殖保健
  • 产科护理
  • 专业的作用

Herzing大学,献给您. 在赫晶,软件下载以职业为中心,方便和关怀. Our specialized nursing programs were designed to help you achieve the career that you want in nursing at an affordable price.

赫岭大学颁发文凭, undergraduate 和 graduate nursing degrees across 8 states at 11 different campuses 和 our online program, 所以你可以选择课程和地点.

但不要相信软件下载的话! 听取在校生和毕业生的意见 who agree that Herzing helped them attain their educational 和 career goals.

Herzing大学 is regionally accredited by the Higher Learning Commission www.hlcommission.org 软件下载的许多幸运28计划都有专门的幸运28计划认证.  有关认证的更多详细信息,请访问:嵌入链接: http://i6.romancingtheatom.com/accreditation-0

学费、杂费和费用因幸运28计划而异. 确定您感兴趣的课程后,您可以使用软件下载学费向导 找到一个初始估计值.

你从不孤单! 软件下载为……提供了许多可能性 金融援助 对于符合条件的人, 包括奖学金和助学金, 贷款的选择, VA /军事利益, 还有更多.

是的, an FNP is educated 和 trained to work with all types of patients across the lifespan, 所以他们有可能为女性提供医疗保健. 

然而, FNP课程包括成人主题, 老年, 和 pediatric care which may not be as relevant for those focused on women’s health only. FNP课程包括妇女保健, but our WHNP curriculum greatly exp和s on this to provide greater preparation for success both on the WHNP certification exam 和 success in your first WHNP job.

根据 劳工统计局在美国,护士从业人员的平均工资为 $128,490 每年($61.78 每小时). 薪酬取决于许多因素, 包括你的位置, 您所在的医疗机构和您的经验水平.*

发现 执业护士平均工资 按州分类,找出你附近执业护士的平均收入. Salaries can vary between specialties, 和 the BLS does not provide a specific estimate for WHNP.

Both WHNP 和 certified nurse midwives (CNM) are advanced practice nurses with specialized roles for women, 但它们在实践范围上有独特的侧重点.

Women’s health nurse practitioners specialize in providing primary health care to women across the lifespan, 而助产士则更专注于怀孕, 分娩, 以及产后时期. 助产士可以接生婴儿,但WHNP不能.

每个都有自己独特的认证和教育要求, 以及薪资潜力的差异.

了解更多关于主要的信息 WHNP和注册助产士的区别.

软件下载的在线部门设在密尔沃基市中心的总部, 威斯康辛州:威斯康辛西大街275号. 210,密尔沃基,威斯康星州53203. Career-focused online degree programs are available for students across the US, 等待任何特定幸运28计划的州资格要求.

软件下载的目标是为你在WHNP工作中取得成功做好充分的准备. Clinicals are completed as part of specialty WHNP courses to best establish concepts learned in didactic courses 和 immediately apply your learning to real-life direct patient care in a precepted clinical site.

Every student in the WHNP program is subject to a clinical proficiency exam after completing Advanced Health Assessment, 先进的病理生理学, 和高级药理学. This ensures a strong foundational knowledge prior to entering the specialty clinical courses towards a WHNP.

的re are benchmarks 和 assessments throughout the program to help ensure you’re on the right track. We work closely with every student to help them fully prepare for success as a WHNP. You are afforded the opportunity to learn 和 work with other women's health providers to gain real life knowledge 和 experience to prepare you as you enter your own practice.

2018 NPWH Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner Workforce Demographics 和 Compensation Survey 重点介绍了WHNPs实践的几个环境,包括:

  • 私人诊所
  • 社区卫生中心
  • 医院诊所
  • 学术医疗中心
  • 学校和学院
  • 惩教设施
  • 住院的设置
  • 病人的家庭

WHNPs可以在城市工作, 郊区, 或者农村地区, 还可能提供远程保健服务(远程护理).


最近 软件下载

类开始 7月8日


I am a nurse 和 wanted an advanced degree, so I decided to pursue my MSN in Nurse Education. I chose Herzing大学 because of the flexibility of the program 和 the friendly staff. 








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